Saturday 11 March 2017

Internal backlink building (internal link) in SEO

Internal links influence relatively in SEO. In this article I will introduce the concept along with instructions on how to set your internal links effectively.

What is the Internal link?

Internal links are considered a backlink pointing to other pages on the same site (same domain)

Take a look at your website as a house, the structure of the house have to be good, sustainable, then your home is able to be firm. Similarly, on the website, the site's internal links have to be optimized, then good for SEO, internal links also navigate a user click on a link to the page they are interested, increasing the time users stay on website, affects a lot of SEO, if you want to compete with other competitors, the optimal internal links are not to be missed.

Internal backlink building technique

Here is the experience about internal link building of mine in SEO practices and have good results, hope it will be useful for you

1. Build quality content around the main content

If you want to have many internal links in your site, closely linked, the first thing you have to have is content, more quality content related to the main theme of the website as well. For example, you SEO for websites that sell drugs to lose weight, you need to write the blog post tutorial weight loss, exercise weight loss, weight loss diet, ... As such the more content, you'll more places to put the internal backlink.

So if your website is service website... don't forget to build a blog forum related products, your services.

2. Create multiple internal backlink pages with main keywords

Every site you create are sure to have main keywords, usually, you will SEO keywords for the home page, many of you don't like SEO keyword on the homepage, SEO subpage is okay, though SEO internal backlink the homepage or subpage contain the main keywords will be very good, however:
  • Diversify the anchor text, not always the main keywords.
  • Don't mind about putting internal link homepage but forgetting internal links to other pages, it will help "strengthen the overall SEO", the whole website.
3. Diversify Anchor Text

In order to more friendly internal link with Google, please diversify anchor text, not always anchor text is the keyword need to SEO. BUT anchor text must relate to the content of the pages

For example, you need SEO word "How to SEO", the anchor text could be: SEO course, learn SEO, put keywords on google, ... the anchor text will account for a high percentage. Let's add the natural anchor text like "more", "click here", "homepage", so google will evaluate your site more natural.

4. Set internal links to bring useful information to the reader:

For 1 blog page, there should be a place to set several internal links that you think "users likely click on this information." For example, your internal backlink building as the following picture:

Link like this one leading to another page within your site that provides instructional information about related issues are referred to in the text that the user is reading, there is likely a user is reading your post, not understand the question or that word, it is inserted links see other colors, can click and find out more, the users click through this page after page inside your web page is one good factor about SEO.

5. Building menu on the top of Website.

The menu system is also the internal links for each item of the menu are the main items in the index on your website or on one important content pages, featured on the website. Put menu on the top page will highlight the main theme of the website, helps google understand and appreciate the main content, in addition, the items that users click often is the items they care about. Google will appreciate the links at the top than at the bottom, so put the menu on the top instead of the footer

6. Build internal link at the bottom of the website.

Backlink in the footer isn't being appreciated at the top, but not so that you do not take advantage, let put internal link anchor text to one of the featured content pages on your website. When users finish reading all a post high probability people will scroll down and see something to click, maybe an important information links there.

7. Use reasonable quantities

Internal backlink building is good but it doesn't  mean you insert a page full of internal backlink. Google has recommended that "always keep in 1 pages has a reasonable number link" but no one knows how much is the exact number.

I usually leave 4-5 internal backlink for content about 1000 words (not counting the links in the footer as well as menu, only in the main content). The right answer depends on whether you use but not too much and not too little.

8. Display the navigation bar (breadcrumb)

Navigation (Breadcrumb) is the bar that allows users to know the parent category of the articles they are reading and likely they will click to find articles same category, as you see, it also inherently internal backlink because it points to the category on the same site, so let it show.

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